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NISCL-CSCL Modules Calendar

NIS­CL-CSCL Designation: Spring Sched­ule

NISCL-CSCL Modules are asynchronous, with assignment deadlines. They emphasize the technical foundation of supply chain management, proving opportunities to check your own knowledge, reflect on your own organization, and receive feedback from industry professionals. Readings are drawn from current literature and are continuously updated to include leading-edge concepts. These self-study modules with instructor access enable you to study at your own convenience.

Spring Sched­ule

CSCL Module:
Foundations of Supply Chain Management

May 07 - August 06, 2025
Core - Spring 2025

CSCL Module:
Global Strategic Sourcing

June 26 - August 14, 2025
Core - Spring 2025

CSCL Module:
Inventory, Logistics Management and Transportation

May 08 - August 07, 2025
Core - Spring 2025

CSCL Module:
Knowledge Management

May 07 - June 25, 2025
Core - Spring 2025

CSCL Module:
Major Projects, Capital Goods, and Services

June 26 - August 14, 2025
Regulated - Spring 2025

CSCL Module:
Operations and Process Design Management

May 08 - August 07, 2025
Core - Spring 2025

CSCL Module:
Procurement Strategy and Supply Management

May 08 - August 07, 2025
Core - Spring 2025

CSCL Module:
Public Sector Supply Chain Management

May 07 - June 25, 2025
Regulated - Spring 2025

Mod­ule Descriptions

Foun­da­tions of Sup­ply Chain Management

A supply chain is a system or network of individuals, organizations, resources, and technology, that produce and deliver products and services to end users. The supply chain is the end-to-end process from the delivery of raw materials to all aspects of the production process, including information which ultimately delivers a finished product.

The goal of this module is to have candidates recognize the critical, strategic, and dynamic nature of SCM.? This module lays the foundation for the remaining modules and workshops in the CSCL program.

Pro­cure­ment Strat­e­gy and Sup­ply Management

Procurement is the process of obtaining or purchasing goods or services by an organization. The procurement process, when managed well, can help increase the business’s profitability.

The goal of this module is for candidates to better understand the strategic role of procurement, as well as tactical approaches that support the strategy. It will cover the steps of the procurement process, defining spend analysis, use of competitive bidding and negotiation, conducting and price and cost analysis, conducting price and costs analysis, conducting supplier selection and building a supplier performance program.

Inven­to­ry, Logis­tics Man­age­ment and Transportation

Logistics is the process and coordination of products, raw materials, and services across the supply chain. From manufacturing to production, to warehousing, distribution, inventory management and the final delivery to customers logistics is a critical and essential component of supply chain.

The focus of this module is on identifying and evaluating strategic logistics issues, creating customer service measures as they pertain to logistics, selecting inventory strategies and its management. It also covers the role of transportation and warehousing fundamentals as well as managing logistics risk.

A computer simulation included in this module requires candidates to apply concepts and tools learned throughout this module.

Oper­a­tions and Process Design Management

Operations and process management is the administration of business practices to create the highest level of efficiency possible. It is concerned with management of direct resources and value-added activities that transform inputs like, material and labour into outputs (goods and services) efficiently to maximize profits.

The aim of this module is to introduce you to the fundamental concepts of operations management. It will introduce you to capacity, process flow & bottlenecks and how to manage it. The module explains the concept of six sigma and lean. It will also cover the concepts of project planning and important elements of product design.

Knowl­edge Management

Knowledge management is the process of identifying, gathering, storing and disseminating knowledge within an organization. Collective knowledge of the organization can lead to competitive advantage and better operational efficiencies.

The goal of this module is to help candidates understand what knowledge management is, where and how it should be applied and the challenges that go along with implementing knowledge management systems.

Glob­al Strate­gic Sourcing

Strategic sourcing is a process by which information is gathered and used by an organization to consolidate its purchasing power to source for best values and align its purchasing strategy to business goals. It places emphasis on total cost of ownership and optimizing the sourcing process by building relationships with suppliers.

The goal of this module is to identify benefits and challenges in global sourcing, understanding the difference between outsourcing versus offshoring, recognizing social issues when it comes to low-cost countries sourcing. It will also cover operational strategies in global sourcing and managing risk exposures.

Major Projects, Cap­i­tal Goods, and Services

Supply chain’s role on the growth of the service and capital goods industry has been rapidly evolving with profound attention worldwide.

The goal of this module is to focus on how the services and goods industries are intertwined into every supply chain model, with the services component outgrowing the goods when it comes to revenue generation and to build a stronger grasp of escalating economic momentum in supply chain project management.

Topics covered include the ability to identify the underlying risks and develop effective strategies for both service sector and large projects supply chain management, the process to manage supply chain management service delivery effectively and build an understanding for any associated hinderances. Additionally, the topic of capital procurement is covered along with its relation to major project management and project management.

Pub­lic Sec­tor Sup­ply Chain Management

In the public sector, supply chain management refers to coordination of all parties involves in delivering a combination of inputs, outputs or outcomes that will meet a specified public sector requirement. It is an integral part of financial management, at the same time addressing government’s procurement policy objectives.

The goal of this module is to understand the differences between public and private sectors, how each stakeholder can be managed in the public sector, understand the challenges at different levels of public sector and how they can be managed.