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CSCL Workshops Calendar

NIS­CL-CSCL Designation: Spring Sched­ule

The virtual, live, instructor-led Workshops offer high-level management and general business skills.

Facilitated by industry experts and highly collaborative by nature, Workshops involve a combination of individual and group exercises focusing on a combination of hard and soft skills. NISCL-CSCL Candidates must be online for all live instruction in order to receive credit.

Spring Sched­ule

CSCL Workshop:
Contract Management and Competitive Bidding

May 14 - 15, 2025
Regulated - Spring 2025

CSCL Workshop:
Effective Leadership

May 03-04, 2025
Core - Spring 2025

CSCL Workshop:
Ethics: Social & Environmental Responsibility

June 10-11, 2025
Regulated - Spring 2025

CSCL Workshop:
Risk Management

June 24-25, 2025
Core - Spring 2025

CSCL Workshop:
The Art of Negotiation

June 14-15, 2025
Core - Spring 2025

CSCL Workshop:
The Importance of Communication

July 09-10, 2025
Core - Spring 2025

Effec­tive Lead­er­ship (2 days)

The goal of this workshop is to provide CSCL candidates with both theoretical concepts and practical techniques that address leadership and professionalism in the workplace. The discussions, case studies, activities, and videos, explored throughout the two-day workshop will demonstrate the interchangeable relationship between the two concepts. The Leadership and Professionalism workshop draws from the works of highly credible "thought leaders" in the areas of leadership, management, and human relations.

Art of Nego­ti­a­tion (2 days)

The goal of this workshop is to provide the CSCL candidates with the theoretical concepts and practical methods and techniques to help them develop their negotiation skills. This workshop focuses on assessing your own and the other party’s negotiating skills, differentiating between distributive and integrative negotiation; establishing trust and building relationships; and addressing the concepts of power, persuasion, and ethics in negotiations.

Impor­tance of Com­mu­ni­ca­tion (2 days)

Supply Chain Management professionals manage change while leading groups of people. However, to successfully perform these duties, professionals must rely on their abilities to communicate effectively and with purpose. The objectives of this workshop are (1) to help candidates develop both oral and written communication skills, and (2) to learn how their relational skills, also known as soft skills, carry equal, if not more relevance in today’s professional landscape.

Con­tract Man­age­ment and Com­pet­i­tive Bid­ding (2 days)

The goal of this workshop is to provide supply chain professionals with information and skills required to manage the bidding and contracting processes. This workshop focuses on practical matters in bidding and contracting, including drafting of competitive bidding documentation, application of competitive bidding law, the basics of contract formation and good practices in contract management.

Risk Man­age­ment (2 days)

The goal of this workshop is to provide the CSCL candidates with the theoretical concepts and practical methods and techniques to help develop their risk management skills. Risk management is a corporate strategic initiative. To ensure a resilient supply chain, identifying potential risks and planning risk mitigation is paramount. Risk Management requires the integration of people, technology, information, and resources both internal and external to the organization.

Ethics: Social and Envi­ron­men­tal Respon­si­bil­i­ty (2 days)

The goal of this workshop is to provide the CSCL candidates with the theoretical concepts and practical methods and techniques to help them develop their ethical skills to confront the challenges in business and supply chain social responsibility.